ClubPSCo produced a series of propositions concerning tutorial or how-to-be-in-line documents, the latter called “guidance”, described below. These deliverables are produced by SEALWeb expert team, discussed in internal commissions, and validated in members general assembly, thus reflecting a real market consensus.
They are used as a work base by Commission experts and make eIDAS implementation easier, by making it homogeneous from one country to the other. The propositions are the following.
In the context of eIDASv2 proposal :
- ClubPSCo proposed content for the implementing acts after eIDASv2 adoption
- ClubPSCo co-signed a letter asking for reintegration of eID substantial level in article 24, as it is in eIDASv1 regulation, in partnership with Cloud Signature Consortium, Electronic Signature Dialog association and other national QTSPs association
- ClubPSCo participages within ESD (European Signature Dialog association) to a number of initiative such as position paper against ‘free QES’ (Article 6a 3g) and advanced vs qualified signatures (recital 31).
In the context of eIDASv1 :
- eIDAS 1st national implementations chart (DRAFT) : eIDAS national legislation, or procedures, enabling to deploy the regulation
- eIDAS impacts: document targeted to persons in charge of trust infrastructures (TSP), and to persons in charge of trust service applications; it stresses the innovations brought by this regulation.
- Articles 28 & 38 – electronic signature qualified certificates and seals: document sorting the reference numbers of applicable norms to insure qualified certificates and seals interoperability across Europe.
- Article 19: security requirements applicable to trust service providers, listing precise security requirements and allowing clear comparison of all European Trust Services.
- Article 24: security requirements applicable to qualified Trust Service Providers, listing applicable norms for reliable systems and products implemented by such qualified service providers.
ClubPSCo also produced deliverables for head of projects on touchy, important topics:
The « Remote Electronic Signature » deliverable is a document intended to enlighten potential users of the electronic signature wishing to allow end users to enjoy the advantages of speed and security of the electronic signature while operating on a mobile or remote basis.
Deliverable « Document pédagogique sur la signature électronique » (Electronic signature tutorial) is a tutorial document targeted to persons in charge of specifying and implementing a project requiring electronic signature.
Deliverable « Guide rédactionnel d’une Politique de Signature » (Signature Policy writing guide) is a document targeted to persons in charge of implementing electronic signature, in the need of writing a Signature Policy, essential element of the overall solution reliability.
Deliverable « Liste des applications utilisatrices de certificats » (list of applications using certificates) lists applications that are using electronic certificates, in order to authenticate or eSign, and the different certificates types and security levels used by each application
Deliverable « Schéma d’organisation du référentiel documentaire d’une infrastructure de confiance » gives a synthetic overview of the recommended documents to manage proofs in the context of a TSP and a Trust Service Application Provider.
Deliverable « Guide rédactionnel : Principes de Gestion des Preuves » (Writing guide : Principles of Proofs Management Policy) is a help to head of probing value dematerialization projects who wish to enhance the probing value of electronic archiving.
Deliverable « Signature en mobilité » (Mobilty signature) presents the different, potential architectures allowing distant signing on mobile devices (smartphones, pads). It also presents good practice, use cases and key vigilance points for mobility signature projects.
ClubPSCo also produced special deliverables, such as dedicated conferences, including:
- June 20th 2012, at the CSN headquarters (Conseil Supérieur du Notariat), in Paris, 2 weeks after the original draft release, eIDAS regulation presentation and its potential consequences for French Trust Service Providers and applications.
- September 24th 2015, at the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris, a year after the European Parliament voted the regulation and 10 months before its implementation in Europe, a first comprehensive analysis on the impacts of eIDAS regulation. It allowed the Commission Task Force, ENISA, ANSSI and ClubPSCo among others, to communicate about their feelings and wishes concerning the impacts of this regulation applying on July 1st 2016 in all EU Member States.
- March 6th 2017, at the CSN headquarters (Conseil Supérieur du Notariat), in Paris, 9 months after the eIDAS regulation implementation in Europe, a presentation of remote registration solution from a German company, opening a wide discussion about potential qualification processes of such solutions
- September 27th 2018, at the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris, 2 years after eIDAS Regulation implementation. This conference was introduced by the European Commission Task Force and concluded by the ANSSI CEO. It allowed big corporations and SMEs, Public Health services and French eID project to extensively exchange with ClubPSCo members and conference participants, about the usage dissemination and the perspectives of this Regulation. Program, presentations and photo illustrations are available for download.
- On October 18, 2019, at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris, a few months before the review of the eIDAS Regulation, scheduled for July 1, 2020 in its article 49. This workshop was introduced by the new Director of the European Commission Task Force and concluded by the President of ESD (European Signature Dialog, European TSP organization, of which ClubPSCo is a member). This meeting enabled more than a hundred experts from 15 countries to discuss the possibilities of improving the eIDAS Regulation, a support for digital trust in Europe, itself essential to the maturity of the European Digital Single Market. The program, presentations and photo illustrations are available for download. Meeting minutes and associated proposals can also be downloaded.
ClubPSCo also participates in other organizations conferences, on the topic of electronic signature, in order to communicate on the issues that matter to the French Trust Service Providers in national or international contexts.