ClubPSCo is non for profit organization. Its members annually meet in a general assembly and elect a board which designates its directors, a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
Each year, ClubPSCo selects the themes on which it will work, depending on the needs that members feel. Members then meet in working groups to together produce the deliverables they previously identified.
ClubPSCo work is coordinated by SEALWeb that prepares the studies, manages the meetings and ensure the collective writing is moving ahead through the work meetings.
The working groups have produced deliverables, or are now in the process of producing them, on the following topics:
- eIDAS implementation chart, available on the eIDAS EU official Observatory web site
- eIDAS regulation implementation documents (secondary legislation, “guidance” documents)
- eIDAS Impacts for Trust Service Providers (TSP) and for trust application service providers
- Know-how documents on electronic signature
- Writing guide to help build an electronic signature policy
- Source document to help write a proofs management policy
- Producing and publishing of the ClubPSCo members TL (Trusted List).
ClubPSCo also puts efforts in communications either to restricted targets that are directly concerned by the treated topic, or to larger audiences as it was the case on two occasions:
- September 24th 2015, to present eIDAS regulation impacts 10 months before its implementation, with EU Commission (Dedicated Regulation Task Force), ENISA (European IS agency), ANSSI (French IS agency), SGMAP (French digital transformation agency) and ANTS (French IDs agency) among others, participating in this public communication session
- June 20th 2012, during the financial transactions securing conference, which allowed a presentation of the Draft eIDAS regulation.
- Participation to many workshops with ENISA, European Commission and FESA for examples, in the context of the eIDAS deployment.